Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry

  • Orange Labs: Privacy-preserving location-based services

    Solenn Brunet has started her PhD thesis in September 2014 within the context of a CIFRE contract with Orange Labs Caen. Her PhD subject concerns the development of privacy-preserving location-based services that are able to personalize the service provided to the user according to his current position while preserving his location privacy. In particular, Solenn Brunet adapts existing cryptographic primitives (private information retrieval, secure multiparty computation, secure set intersection, ...) or design novel ones to use them as building blocks for the construction of these privacy-preserving location-based services.

  • DGA: BGP-like Inter Domain routing protocol for tactical mobile ad hoc networks: feasibility, performances and quality of service

    Florian Grandhomme has started his PhD thesis in October 2014 in cooperation with DGA-MI. The subject of the PhD is to propose new secure and efficient algorithms and protocols to provide inter-domain routing in the context of tactical mobile ad hoc network. The protocol proposed will have to handle context modification due to the mobility of MANET, that is to say split of a MANET, merge of two or more MANET, and also handle heterogeneity of technology and infrastructure. The solution will have to be independent from the underlying intra-domain routing protocol and from the infrastructure: wired or wireles, fixed or mobile.

  • DGA: Visualization for security events monitoring

    Damien Crémilleux has started his PhD thesis in October 2015 in the context of a cooperation with DGA-MI. The subject of the PhD is to define relevant representations to allow front-line security operators to monitors systems from a security perspective. A first proposal was made that led to a tool, VEGAS, that allows to monitor large quantities of alerts in real time and to dispatch these alerts in a relevant way to security analysts.

  • DGA: Intrusion Detection in Distributed Applications

    David Lanoé has started his PhD thesis in October 2016 in the context of a cooperation with DGA-MI. His work will focus on the construction of behavioral models (during a learning phase) and their use to detect intrusions during an execution of the modelled distributed application.

  • Nokia: Risk-aware security policies adaptation in modern communication infrastructures

    Pernelle Mensah was hired in January 2016 on this CIFRE funding in order to work on unexplored aspects of information security, and in particular response strategies to complex attacks, in the context of cloud computing architectures. The use case proposed by our industrial partner is a multi-tenant cloud computing platform involving software-defined networking in order to provide further flexibility and responsiveness in architecture management. The topic of the thesis is to adapt and improve the current risk-aware reactive response tools, based on attack graphs and adaptive security policies, to this specific environment, taking into account the heterogeneity of actors, platforms, policies and remediation options.

  • B-Com: Privacy Protection for JPEG Content on Image-Sharing Platforms

    Kun He was hired as a PhD in September 2013 by the IRT B-Com. The subject of the PhD was the protection of users' privacy while publishing images on image-sharing platforms. The proposed solution is an image encryption algorithm that preserve the image format after encryption, and the experimentation have shown that the proposed encryption algorithm can be used on several widely used image-sharing platforms such as Flickr, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

  • Thalès: Privacy and Secure Multi-party Computation

    Aurélien Dupin has started his PhD thesis in January 2016 within the context of a CIFRE contract with Thalès. His PhD subject concerns the development of privacy-preserving location-based services based on secure multi-party computation. As part of his Master of Science from the ETS (Ecole de Technologie Supérieure) in Montreal, co-supervised by Prof. Jean-Marc ROBERT (ETS) and Prof. Christophe BIDAN (CentraleSupélec), Mr Aurélien DUPIN has already addressed the issue and proposed multi-party computation protocols to provide evidence of geolocations while ensuring the secrecy of the geographical location of participants protocols. The thesis is an opportunity to continue the work initiated during the Master of Science.

  • Thalès: Combining Attack Specification and Dynamic Learning from traces for correlation rule generation

    Charles Xosanavongsa has started his PhD thesis in December 2016 in the context of a CIFRE with Thales. His work will focus on the construction of correlation rules. In previous work on correlation rule generation, the usual approach is static. It always relies on the description of the supervised system using a knowledge base of the system. The use of correlation trees is an appealing solution because it allows to have a precise description of the attacks and can handle any kind of IDS. But in practice, the behavior of each IDS is quite difficult to predict, in particular for anomaly based IDS. To manage automatically the correlation rules (and adapt them if necessary), we plan to analyze synthetic traces containing both anomaly based and misused based IDS alerts resulting from an attack.